
Mission Statement: The purpose of this Church Websites site is to help churches (and non-profit organizations) to create, maintain, and effectively use a website as a communication tool.

Vision Statement: By creating an effective website, churches (and non-profit organizations) have improved communication within their organization and with the outside community, for the growing up of disciples and the betterment of our world.

This project began in summer 2019. I am primarily trying to help churches (and non-profits) in western Illinois. The website is available to anyone.

The Overall Process of this training is given on the Home page.

The Example Church website was created using Google Sites.


Author: Jim Olsen (James R. Olsen)

Who am I: I teach at Western Illinois University & have a great wife and 3 great children. I consider myself a Christian, family member, teacher, athlete, and scholar.  I taught HS math in the public schools for 10 years. I have been a teacher educator in the Mathematics Department at Western Illinois University since 1994.  More Info on Dr. O here.

Why Websites: I am a long-time member of Wesley UMC. Since 2012 I have been chair of our Communications Team since 2012. We facilitate communication and maintain the website at Wesley UMC. I learned out to make web pages in 1999 and have been making them ever since — for my students, the teachers I work with, the Bomber Booster Club, and our church.

Disclaimer: I’m fairly knowledgeable on website making (and always learning more), but not particularly creative. I encourage you to tap in to your creativity and get ideas from others to make your website appealing.


Jim Olsen
44 Indian Trail Road, Macomb, IL 61455

Also Helping with this Initiative

Three of us are working together on this initiative:

  • Jim Olsen, Wesley UMC, Macomb, IL
  • Steve Davis, Elmwood UMC, Elmwood, IL
  • Becky Geuns  (‘guns’), Green River UMC, Colona, IL

This Site

This website is a WordPress website (about 27% of all websites on the Internet are WordPress). It is hosted by the 1 and 1 Ionos company. My main domain name is drjimo.net. This site (churchwebsites.drjimo.net) is a ‘subdomain.’ I get (can make) up to 100 subdomains (which are included in my yearly fee to 1 and 1 Ionos.)

Icons made by Icongeek26 from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY